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Friday 11 January 2013

strategies to prevent unintentional injuries among children

strategies to prevent unintentional injuries among children

This is one of three pieces of NICE guidance published in November 2010 on how to prevent unintentional injuries among under-15s. A second publication covers unintentional injuries on the road and a third covers the provision of home safety equipment and home risk assessments.
This guidance is for commissioners and providers of health services, local authority children’s services, local authorities and their strategic partnerships, local highway authorities, local safeguarding children boards, police, fire and rescue services, policy makers, professional bodies, providers of play and leisure facilities, and schools.
It is also for other public, private, voluntary and community organisations and services which have a direct or indirect role in preventing unintentional injuries among under-15s.
The recommendations cover:
  • Planning and coordinating local activities.
  • Workforce training and capacity building through national standards and curricula.
  • Injury surveillance to monitor the incidence of unintentional injuries among under-15s and plan preventive initiatives.
  • Fitting permanent safety equipment and carrying out home safety assessments
  • Outdoor play and leisure, including policies to ensure public play spaces are safe, and education and advice on water and firework safety.
  • Road safety, including strategies to help reduce vehicle speed in areas near where children and young people are present and managing road safety partnerships.
Please note: this guidance includes some of the information from NICE’s draft guidance on Preventing unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15 - information, advice and education for outdoor play and leisure.  Following the consultation on that draft guidance, NICE will not be publishing final guidance – see Preventing unintentional injuries among under 15s - outdoor play and leisure for further details, the draft guidance and supporting documents.


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