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Wednesday, 16 October 2013



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A good sex life takes time and effort to maintain. It won’t always be easy — our busy lives are taxing and often leave us tired and devoid of the imagination and motivation required to keep up the pace. Having good sex doesn’t necessarily mean spending hours and hours of frolicking, it can be as simple as doing something a little different just for a change.

Women are cyclic creatures, and her sex drive will vary depending on her hormones and what’s going on in her life. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to get her hot and the same-old song and dance may not be enough. This applies to you too.

Therefore, it's important to add a few more stimulating aspects to your sex life to keep things interesting.

Here are 10 tips for better sex, which should keep the two of you hot for some time to come.

Number 10

Blindfold her
intimate pleasure has many dimensions, but the most important intimate organ we have is our brain. When one sense is hindered, our other senses — via the brain — clamor to compensate. For example, a deaf person has increased sensory awareness — sight, smell, touch, and vibrations. For No. 10 entry on our 10 tips for better sex guide, we're telling you that you can tap into this innate ability of ours and use it to your advantage: Blindfolding your partner increases her sensory awareness. She doesn’t know where you are or what you are going to do next. This creates anticipation for better sex — the tease. Tease her mercilessly with sensory objects, such as a feather or your tongue. Start off softly, as this excites her nerve endings and makes them far more sensitive. Be careful not to overstimulate the nerve endings, however, because after a while the neurons stop firing with such intensity and the sensation becomes null and void.

Related: The Essential Tips For Going Down On Her

Number 9

Give her instructions

After a while you may think you know how to please your partner in every way, but this is very rarely true. There is always something you haven’t tried, and there is bound to be something one of you always does that could be done differently.

To combat this for better sex, have a lesson session in which you don’t think you know it all, and are at each other's mercy as teacher. Talk about things you haven’t tried, but would like to, then choose one suggestion from each partner, and get down and dirty. We often get caught thinking we know what our partners like, and after a while it becomes "the way it’s done." Lose this myth and put yourself in the student's chair for a while for better sex you won't regret.

Number 8

Sensual touch is one of the most highly relaxing and sexy things you can do for your partner, which is why it makes it onto our 10 tips for better sex list. Our bodies are almost without exception tense in some area, if not many areas. This hinders our energy flow — including intimate energy flow. Imagine a car that has a clogged fuel filter: the fuel (our energy) can’t get to where it needs to go quickly and smoothly, and the car performs inefficiently and ineffectively.

A relaxing sensual massage can unlock her body to some very intense heavenly feelings and much better sex in the end. The ability to relax your partner in this way should be high on your list of skills to master. The same goes for her: The difference between a deeply relaxing massage and a sensual massage is in the manner of touch — you don’t want to relax her too deeply because she will probably fall straight to sleep.

The key to better sex in this case is to keep her senses alert, but her body relaxed. This means a firm touch, coupled with some sensory feather-light caresses. Once you've relaxed her major muscles — shoulders and back — work your way down to her buttocks. Strokes can then start to wander near to, but not on, her inner thighs, butt crease and womanliness. Don’t forget her hands and feet — there are thousands of nerve endings in our hands and feet that are very sensitive to touch. If you have no idea what a good massage feels like or how to perform one, spend some time in "lesson time" with your partner and learn what you both like or just run your hands all over her body — all over. Don’t skip to the hot spots or you’ll ruin the effect.

Number 7

Have her dress up
Pretending to be something you're not comes easily to some people. However, it has its benefits when done for fun. Stepping out of the role of being "yourself" can be a fun way to give each other permission to behave differently for better sex. Playing the role of someone else during intimate play is a very enjoyable way to give your partner some different sensations, and try things that you haven’t done before. Role playing is a great way to have better sex and to have fun with your partner in a light-hearted but sexy way. It is often the woman who does the dressing up simply because A) They enjoy it; and B) They have the resources of clothes, underwear and makeup — but don't forget that you can play too..

Related: The Myths Most Men Believe From Indecency

Number 6

Tell her your fantasies

Talking about your fantasies with your partner is a very conducive form of sex play. It increases communication with your partner, which is of great importance, as well, it also helps you get to know each other better for better sex. Yes, you may be surprised by what comes out of her mouth, but this works both ways. Keep it light at first and don’t throw her in the deep end with fantasies about people you both know or reveal fetishes you aren't sure about. Sit back with a glass of wine and keep your clothes on — for now. Fantasy play can also be incorporated into a game for better sex. Use your imagination, and keep it sexy. Take it in turns and see where it leads you.

Related: How To Have backdoor

Number 5
Play a game

Get a pack of cards and play strip poker for better sex. It may seem like something you would have done when you were in high school (given the opportunity), but adult strip poker is a good way to get Unclad. Once you are both Unclad (or nearly Unclad), you can start on the really fun part: A loss means the other person gets to choose what action is performed on them by the loser. Time limits like one minute on said action means that it is a prolonged game of seduction, which by the end will have you both clamoring to be both the winner and the loser. There are many other games you can play "strip" to, as long as there is regular winner and loser to reward and punish respectively. The great part about these games is that you can both ask the other person to do something in a certain way that you may not necessarily have ever done before. It can get rather filthy, and definitely lead to better sex in the end.

Number 4

Dirty talk
Talking dirty has turned people on for millennia and will continue to do so because it has something other sex play doesn’t: words. Because our brains are our largest intimate apparatus, we respond to the spoken word automatically — especially when someone says our name. The spoken word evokes emotions, sensations and blood flow to various regions, depending on the topic.

This works very much in your favor when it comes to talking dirty to your lover because women are especially susceptible to what goes in their ears (and I don’t mean cotton buds or ear candles). Talking dirty is, however, an art form and when done badly can result in fits of giggles (which, lets face it, ain't so bad but isn't quite the goal here). Don’t let this deter you.

Have better sex by using toys and trying a new locale...

For better sex, start off easy with neutral dirty-talk topics, such as how you feel inside her, how much you are enjoying the act and what you would like to do to her next. Don’t get too carried away, but let it flow out of you. Dirty talk can be a bit daunting at first, if you are not used to verbalizing these things, so practice. You will see how she responds to you. Dirty talk also comes under the "encouragement" category — when she sees that you like something very much, she will be more interested in doing it more. The rawness of the intimate passion excited with dirty talk is why it is so effective. Be careful with swearing too much — though a good dose of foul language is part and parcel with dirty talk (its not called dirty talk for nothing), too much swearing/name calling can be a turn off. Try to stick to positive words, and leave the commonly used insult words out. Watch what you call her body parts too — just make sure she can handle it before launching into your tirade of filth. Chances are, the passion from you will ignite hers two-fold.

Number 3

Try a new position
You already know how to bring her to heavenly feeling in two ways (probably). You repeat these regularly because they work — there's no harm in that. However, if you never, ever try any new positions again, how will you ever know? New positions need a reasonably high level of arousal in your lover, so choose your time to strike a new pose when she is quite obviously feeling very randy.

There is no limit to the number of ways to have sex, so you can use your imagination and come up with as many weird and wonderful inventions as you desire. Simply changing locations can dramatically change the position, so consider this too (for example on top of the washing machine, on a bench, beanbag or table).

Related: 3 Positions For Guys With Small manlinesses

Number 2

Use a rooster ring
rooster rings slow the drain of blood out of your Attention, and keep you harder for longer. A very hard joystick stimulates a woman’s insides slightly differently — and much better — than one that is getting soft around the edges. rooster rings are inexpensive and usually nice to look at, and make an interesting male intimacy gadget to add to your collection. rooster rings ensure that you can maintain the pace without faltering for better sex. This is very pleasing to your lady friend.

Number 1

Try a new place
Sex in a new locale is definitely up there in exciting things to do for better sex. You can take a drive somewhere secluded where you can get a bit risqué. Try a public place (not too public) or simply move to a different room or area in your home — or even someone else’s home. Whatever tickles your fancy. There are a million and one different places to have sex other than your home, in your bed — use them.
increase your pleasure
The list of helpful hints you have been presented with equates to a very good head start to a better sex life. The time and energy required to plan your adventures will pay off immediately, but also over the longer term. You will be rewarded according to the effort you put in with a great new skill set, and of course better sex. Make time, conserve some energy for it and relax. Life is short!


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How To Install Windows Xp 7 8 On A Mac Pc Or Laptop

Let’s face it: Even the most diehard Mac fan needs a little dose of Microsoft sometimes. Whether you want to run some obscure engineering software, experiment with the dark side, or just want to fire up Modern Warfare 3 on your Mac, the ability to dip your toe in the Windows software pool is a major advantage. And these days, getting that means installing Windows OS.

Now let's get stated:

Step 1: Buy a copy of any Windows 7.

Check out our guide to different Windows 7 versions before dropping too much money on the rather unnecessary “Ultimate” package, and don’t forget you can grab a student copy at a significant discount with a .edu e-mail address.
Step 2: Upgrade to the latest version of Boot Camp.

Since older versions of Boot Camp didn’t explicitly support Windows 7, intrepid Mac owners who decided to install it beside Snow Leopard suffered from slow startup times, Magic Mouse malfunctions, and other glitches. Not anymore. The most recent version of Bootcamp includes full support for Windows 7, which should save you from all these headaches. Simply go to the Apple menu on your Mac and select Software Update, which will grab the latest version for you.
Step 3: Create a new partition for Windows 7.

Since Max OS X and Windows 7 can’t live happily together, you’ll need to create a new partition on your hard drive (or a separate partition on a separate hard drive) to install it. Think of it like putting up a new wall to split one bedroom into two so that a pretentious hipster and a stiff corporate dud can both live in peace.

Open Boot Camp Assistant by looking in the Utilities folder under Applications. The intuitive software will walk you through the process, just make sure to create an NTFS partition, since you won’t be able to install Windows 7 on any other type, and make it a minimum of 16GB. Keep in mind that you’ll want to install all your Windows software on the same partition, so plan accordingly.
Step 4: Install Windows 7.

With Boot Camp Assistant still open, choose the option to “Start the Windows installer.” You’ll need to pop that fresh, legally purchased copy of Windows 7 in the drive and click Continue to start installing. From here on out, the installation looks a lot like any other Windows 7 installation. In other words, follow the instructions. When it asks whether you want to do a standard or custom installation, be sure to choose “custom” and select the partition labeled BOOTCAMP. You’ll also want to click “Drive options (advanced)” after highlighting it and choose “Format” to ensure you install on a nice, squeaky clean partition.

Grab a cup of coffee while your Mac lays down all the Windows 7 files. (Hint: Don’t go with a Venti, the Windows 7 installer blazes compared to past versions.)
Step 5: Configure Windows for your Mac.

You now have Windows 7 installed, but it doesn’t know how to interface correctly with all your Mac’s strange in exotic hardware until you install the right drivers. Fortunately, Apple has made this pretty easy: They’re all located on your OS X install disc. With Windows running, eject the Windows 7 disc, pop the OS X disc in, and let it load (double click on the CD-ROM drive if it doesn’t start automatically). It will do almost all the work automatically, but you may have to click a few foreboding boxes warning you that the drivers haven’t passed Windows Logo testing. Don’t sweat it, just keep tapping those Continue boxes.
Step 6: Start Windows 7 at will!

Congratulations, you now have a fully functionally copy of Windows 7 running on your Mac! Keep in mind that it will still boot into OS X automatically unless you hold down the option button at startup, which will produce a menu allowing you to choose which operating system to use.

For further questions, or if you run into any problems along the way, be sure to consult Apple’s Boot Camp installation guide, which has more comprehensive instructions and should be able to get you out of a bind.
Other options

In the spirit of being thorough, we feel obligated to inform you that Boot Camp isn’t the only option available if you’re looking for a way to run Windows software on a Mac. There are also two other options:

If you’d rather not reboot every time you want to use a windows program, check out Parallels or VirtualBox. Both are virtualization software that will allow you to quickly switch between Windows and Mac operating systems. Beware though, as this takes quite a bit of processing power. For most newer macs with advanced processors, this shouldn’t be much of an issue.

The other option is to take the Windows program you’d like to use and transform it into a Mac application. This can be done using WineBottler, CrossOver and a number of other programs. This option would work best if you’re only planning on running a couple Windows-based applications on your Mac.

Follow us: @zolas

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


What are the best ways to get a job interview these days? In this economy, I am often asked to how long clients should expect to be in transition. They are often surprised by my answer. It seems to me that because we keep hearing that the economy is slowly getting better, we are lulled into a false sense of security that the job search process isn’t as difficult as it has been for the past few years. According to the Economic Policy Institute Article from November 2012, while the job seekers ratio has held steady at 3.4 job seekers to one job opening, any number over three means that that there are “no jobs available for two out of three workers.” I also found it very interesting that the same report states that job seekers far outnumber job openings across every sector. Couple this with persistently low hiring and we are finding that unemployment lengths remain unusually high. Given this less than wonderful news, what can you do to ensure that you are taking all necessary steps to avoid becoming one of the long-term unemployed? Step one is the resume, however, that is merely a step. It’s not the whole job search. Best Ways To Get An Interview Knowing that you are likely one of many applicants, how do you get “noticed”? There are a few steps that you can follow to greatly increase your odds of landing that interview. Breaking down my favorites, David Letterman style, here are my top 10 ways to get an interview: 10. Be Specific Develop a list of specific target companies that you can identify to those with whom you are networking. For example, if you say, “I want to work in engineering,” that doesn’t really get my brain working. However, if you say, ” I want to work for XYZ company in an engineering capacity, namely leading a team of hardware engineers,” that helps me to a) understand what you are looking for and b) start thinking about who I may know at XYZ company. 9. Know Your Strengths Knowing what you bring to the table and clearly articulating it sets you apart from the masses right away. Often, people are not clear on what they can do to specifically help a company. Hiring companies want to know what you can do for them… it helps to answer that question well. 8. Research Your Target Companies Know those companies that appeal to you and appear to be a great fit. If you don’t know about the company or if you don’t really want to work there, it typically shows in a conversation. If you are excited about the potential of working for the company and you have clearly done your research that will make you extremely appealing and different from the rest. 7. Develop A Resume That Stands Out From The Rest I have seen great resumes and terrible resumes.What makes a great resume? Clearly defining what problems you will solve for the company and adjusting the resume based on the job available are two important factors. 6. Develop Marketing Material What can you leave with a new contact that sets you apart from the other people they have talked with? Professional business cards are a must but what about a biographic? This doesn’t replace a resume but is rather a marketing piece that visually tells the story of your job history. 5. Don’t Be Afraid To Call The Hiring Manager Be assertive. If you know who the hiring manager is, call him/her and briefly state that you have applied for the position. Take the opportunity to alert them to this and let them know that if they took ten minutes to meet with you, they would find you a viable candidate. The worst thing that can happen is that you get turned down. 4. Don’t Rely On Job Boards Not that you cannot find a job utilizing a job board but statistics show that 90% of jobs are never posted (which is why #2 is what it is) and those that are posted are swamped with job seekers taking the traditional, ineffective route. 3. Create Your Brand Utilizing Social Media Develop your brand as an industry expert using LinkedIn and, if you’re brave, Twitter. Post professional, relevant articles that are pertinent to the type of jobs in which you are interested. 2. Network I can’t say this strongly enough. The best way to make it to the top of the resume pile is to network. Your goal is to have someone hand the resume to the appropriate person and say, “I think we need to look at this person.” 1. Follow Up Networking and all the other steps are worthless without following up. Be persistent without being obnoxious. Ask your contact how best he/she likes to be communicated with and how often. Respect that they have their own priorities but don’t give up if they don’t respond immediately. While nothing can guarantee an interview, taking a proactive, professional approach will certainly increase your odds. What are some tips I may have missed? I would love to hear from you!
Read more at http://www.careerealism.com/ways-get-job-interview/#qv2ZGM3vjX1byKVF.99

Monday, 9 September 2013

Solving Premature Ejaculation

What is it?

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems.
Premature ejaculation (PE) means coming too quickly, and it's one of the most common sexual problems.
In our survey of several thousand British males, approximately 10 per cent of them said that they often or sometimes had this trouble.
Hearst Magazines UK - Premature
    ejaculationWe found that it's commoner in younger men – which is not surprising, as there's a distinct tendency for it to improve with age. Men generally get better control as they grow older.
However, a 2004 survey in Europe showed that many middle-aged men still have this problem. Fortunately, good treatments are available.
In 2010/11, a new treatment became available in Britain and several other countries – details below.


It’s almost impossible to get an accurate definition of premature ejaculation: what some couples consider a satisfactory length of intercourse would be very inadequate for others.
At the 2006 Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, an American research paper reported:
  • the average lasting time of men with PE was 1.8 minutes
  • 'normal' men lasted an average of 7.3 minutes.
But there were males who claimed to have premature ejaculation, yet who could last up to 25 minutes. This clearly shows people have wildly differing ideas about what is normal!
At the same Congress, Professor Waldinger reported that 2.5 per cent of men couldn't last 90 seconds inside the vagina. Those males undoubtedly have PE.
From our own clinical experience, there are plenty of couples who would regard intercourse that lasts under 20 minutes as less than satisfactory, and would feel that any ejaculation in under 10 minutes or so is decidedly premature.
As a working definition, if either you or your partner feels that orgasm is happening too soon, there probably is some degree of PE.

Does it matter?

In most cases premature ejaculation does matter, because it makes people unhappy and frustrated. And in severe cases PE can threaten or even ruin a marriage – simply because it spoils the sex lives of both partners.
Sometimes, the condition is so bad the man can't have sex because he ejaculates before he can get into the vagina. This can be devastating for a man's self-confidence. And it can be hugely frustrating and annoying for his partner – especially if she wants to get pregnant.
However, most men merely find PE a considerable irritation. It's a condition that makes them come very soon after they enter their partner – say, after only a minute or two, so neither party gets a lot of satisfaction.

What causes it?

For many years, sex experts have tended to say that premature ejaculation is caused by early conditioning.
In other words, the man's early, rushed (and perhaps furtive) sexual experiences had to be quick so as to avoid detection. The idea is that this conditions him to climax as quickly as possible.
However, our own surveys have found that many men with PE did not have rushed early sexual experiences – though others say they did.
It's worth noting that from an evolutionary point of view, it's probable that males who climaxed quickly were more likely to have children. In other words, if you were a caveman who came very fast, you'd stand more chance of impregnating your woman and enlarging your tribe.
Some men seem to be highly triggered right from the start of their sex lives, and we have encountered instances where their fathers were much the same. Therefore, we feel that the tendency to reach orgasm quickly may possibly be inherited rather than learned.
Finally, there's no question that anxiety or 'nerves' play a part in many cases of PE. If you're nervous, you're likely to come too quickly.
This is why many males have discovered for themselves that a small amount of alcohol eases their nerves and makes them less likely to climax prematurely. But we wouldn't recommend alcohol as a treatment.
So, what can be done for PE?

Treatment for mild cases

If you have mild PE – for instance, you can last five minutes but would like to last 10 – there's probably no point in going to a doctor.
Why? Because you should be able to improve matters by simple distraction techniques.
This means turning your mind to something else when you sense that climax is near. For example, you can think about something totally unconcerned with sex or pinch yourself.

Local anaesthetic gel

Some men try to treat themselves with a local anaesthetic gel that's applied to the shaft of the penis shortly before intercourse.
This product is advertised to the public as a good way to 'damp down' sexual sensation in the penis.
We do not advise using this gel because the local anaesthetic can 'dull' the sex sensation for your partner.
It can also cause a distressing skin reaction in either partner, with intense itching, redness and soreness.

'Long love' condoms

German scientists have come up with a slightly different approach that won't cause vaginal irritation.
It's called the 'long love condom’ and it contains a local anaesthetic (benzocaine or lidocaine) inside it.
Long love condoms are now being sold in many countries, under a variety of brand names.
A few male patients have told us they do last longer with these condoms, but the man is still at risk of a sensitivity reaction to the local anaesthetic.

Treatment for more severe cases

If PE is causing you significant problems, it is best to consult an expert for treatment.

The Masters-Johnson method

This method cures the vast majority of men, provided that both partners are keen to co-operate (which isn't always the case).
It's based on a special 'penis grip' developed by the American therapists Masters and Johnson. They employed it in a 're-education' course lasting weeks or months.
The finger-grip abolishes the desire to climax, so if, under careful instruction, the couple use it over a period of weeks, they can usually re-train the man so he can last much longer. But please note that cure can't be achieved overnight.

What does it involve?

  • At each training session, your partner places her hand so that her thumb is on one side of the man's erect penis (the nearer side to her when she is facing him).
  • Her index and middle fingers are on the other side.
  • The index finger is just above the ridge of the glans (the 'head'), while the middle finger is just below the ridge.
  • When the man feels that he's near to a climax, he tells his partner.
  • She then squeezes his shaft firmly between her thumb and the other two fingers. (Don't worry: it's painless!)
The programme and the grip can work for male couples as well as for heterosexual ones.

Does it work?

We have seen many men with PE who couldn't last for 30 seconds, but who were able to last as long as half an hour after careful training over a period of months.
However, unless this is done as part of an organised programme, it probably won't work. We often hear from guys who tried to do it themselves, and achieved nothing.
The Masters and Johnson grip really needs to be demonstrated to you personally by an expert. Most couples who try to learn it from the Internet or a book get it wrong.
Our advice: see a professional. In the UK, try one of the organisations listed at the end of this article.

Antidepressant drugs

In recent years, it has also proved possible to treat PE with antidepressant drugs taken a few hours before intercourse. The group that are mainly used for this purpose are the SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors).
The use of these drugs may seem a little odd, but delaying male climax is a well-known side-effect of certain antidepressants. For most men, that side-effect is unwanted. But for guys with premature ejaculation, it's highly desirable.
Antidepressants that are commonly used for this purpose include clomipramine (Anafranil), fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Lustral).
But please be warned: these are powerful drugs that can last a long time in the body, and have a considerable list of potential side-effects.
Before opting for one of them, talk it over carefully with your doctor.
In many countries antidepressants are now sold illegally in bars and on the street as 'last-longer pills'. We really do not recommend buying antidepressants in this casual fashion.
Antidepressants are prescription-only drugs, with a potential for causing you harm. If you want to try them for premature ejaculation, make an appointment to see your GP.

Drugs by nasal inhalation

At the end of 2008, there was a good deal of controversy in Britain because a company started using large advertisement hoardings to promote its treatment for PE: a nose spray.
In fact, the only point of the spray is to deliver a drug into the bloodstream more quickly than could be achieved through taking it by mouth.
The drug which is mainly being used in these new nose sprays is clomipramine – which, as we have mentioned above, is an antidepressant.
There have also been reports of sex clinics suggesting the use of the major painkiller tramadol in a nose spray.
This does not strike us as a good idea, in view of the drug's side-effects which include mental confusion and abdominal pain.
Tramadol is related to morphine, and is widely misused by people with drug problems. It is habit-forming.

A special constriction device

In 2000, a clinical trial of a new technique for treating premature ejaculation was published in the medical press.
It was developed at St George's Hospital, London, and involved wearing a slightly constricting ring below the head of the penis for 30 minutes each day. The theory was it would make the organ less sensitive.
Unfortunately, at the present time the inventors of the device have not been able to publish any results of large scale trials.
Don't attempt any constriction techniques like this off your own bat. Such a method should only be prescribed by an expert at a sexual problem clinic. It may or may not turn out to be useful.

Release of a new medication

At a medical conference we attended in December 2004, it was announced that a new anti-PE medication should be launched during 2005.
However, it was not until 2010 that it was finally released for use in the UK – and even now it is available only on a very limited basis, and NOT on the Health Service.
But in recent months it has become widely available in Scandinavia, Australia and Malaysia.
The product is a tablet called dapoxetine. Its UK trade name is Priligy.
Essentially, it is one of the 'SSRI' group of antidepressants – which, as noted above, do have the ability to lengthen the time between sexual arousal and climax. It is taken by mouth, in tablet form. The dose is either 30mg or 60mg. Dosage depends mainly on your body weight.
Please understand that Priligy is NOT a pill which will actually cure PE.
The idea is that you simply take it a couple of hours before you intend to have intercourse. With luck, you will last a good deal longer that day.
But of course, you will need to take another Priligy tablet before your next sexual encounter.
Newspaper reports appearing in Britain in late 2010 suggested that it helps 70 per cent of males.
Unfortunately, the trial results we've seen so far suggest that in reality only about 45 per cent of men reported that the drug gave them control that was 'fair, good or very good'.
Possible side-effects of dapoxetine include dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, headaches and diarrhoea.
However, if you have bad PE, Priligy (which may be the first of various such products) would probably be worth trying when it becomes available in your part of the world.
In the UK in 2012, the situation is that Priligy is NOT available from your GP or on the NHS. Some private doctors prescribe it. You can obtain it via the internet, but you should have an online 'consultation' with a doctor first.
At present, it is still extremely expensive. In the UK the online price has come down to £47.85 for three tablets. Obviously, this works out at about £16 every time you want to make love.

Cognitive behaviour treatment (stop-start technique)

In 2006, we attended a conference on sexual medicine in Vienna. One of the speakers, Dr Mehmet Sungur, claimed good results for the cognitive behaviour (CBT) method of treatment for PE.
The CBT method focuses on addressing the kind of thinking that has proved unhelpful.
For example, a man may believe that ‘real men’ must thrust endlessly to give a woman pleasure. Such thinking is not only damaging to the man, but wrong. Most women want penetration but also derive great pleasure from love play – often preferring fondling and oral sex to intercourse.
The CBT method also aims to alter the man’s behaviour: he is encouraged to masturbate using the stop-start technique to gain more control over his responses and his urge to ejaculate quickly.

The stop-start technique

  1. The man is encouraged to masturbate alone.
  2. He is asked to set time aside to be private and to masturbate with dry hands.
  3. The man is encouraged to masturbate almost to the point of ejaculation and then stop.
  4. He should do this three times.
  5. On the fourth time, he is permitted to ejaculate.
After he has achieved this measure of control, he can try masturbating with a wet hand, which will feel more like the inside of a vagina. He is encouraged to do the stop-start technique as before.
Obviously, this technique could possibly be adopted by a man who does not seek treatment from a therapist.
But because there are often psychological difficulties as well as behavioural and mechanical ones, most men will benefit more from seeking treatment rather than using the stop-start technique on their own.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Activate your Window 7 Immediately

Activate your Window 7 Immediately

Have you been having problem activating your window 7, you have met your luck today....click below to download.

click to download

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Top Ten Reasons to Exercise and Be Physically Active

Top Ten Reasons to Exercise and Be Physically Active 

Feel more energized 

When engaging in physical activity, the blood vessels that go to your muscles dilate, causing an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the working muscles. This, along with a temporary increase in your metabolic rate, causes you to feel more energized. This “burst of energy” not only occurs during exercise, but also after you exercise. For example, working out in the morning or afternoon will cause you to feel energized throughout the day. Even if you are an evening exerciser, you will still burn just as many calories and feel better!

Burn more calories at rest

Cardiovascular and resistance exercises are equally important when it comes to making a workout plan and burning calories. Doing cardiovascular work such as running, walking, or biking results in a temporary rise in your metabolic rate. Thus, compared to being in a resting state, you will burn more calories per minute when performing cardiovascular work. Furthermore, by doing resistance exercises such as weight machines or free-weights, you will increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns far more calories at rest than fat does, so by becoming more muscular, you are increasing your resting metabolic rate. 

Improve overall appearance 

Not only can exercise help you feel better, but it will help you look better as well. Along with eating a healthy diet and utilizing effective stress management, you can look your best by becoming toned and defined. However, you need to remember that genetics play a major part in what we look like. For example, a person can be a healthy eater, exercise daily, be a non-smoker and a non-drinker, and STILL have high cholesterol because it is in their genetic makeup. The same goes for how a person looks. Some individuals are born into a family with genetically larger “frames.”  These people are sometimes called “big boned.”  If your parents happen to be short and small-framed, more than likely you will be, too. There is little we can change about our genetics, but we can make healthy and happy choices with the bodies we have. 

Be able to withstand stress

Recent research has shown exercise to be a stress reliever. There are many reasons to explain why. One includes the fact that exercise increases the hormone epinephrine, another name for adrenaline. This hormone is responsible for an increase in blood flow, which carries more oxygen to the brain, thus making you more alert. Being more alert and aware of your surroundings helps you to deal with stress effectively. Also, exercise stimulates the release of other hormones called endorphins, or the “feel good hormones.” These help to improve mood and feelings. Many people find that they feel better after a stressful day if they exercise. 


Decrease risk of illness

Exercise builds up and improves circulation of our white blood cells, which we need to fend off harmful bacteria that cause us to get sick. This helps to prevent us from getting
sick. However, after we become ill, our improved circulation due to regular exercise can help us become well again. 


Speed up recovery from injury or surgery

By exercising daily and living a healthy lifestyle, your body can better repair itself from damage done by injury or surgery. When you increase muscle tissue and white blood cells by exercising, your body is better able to reduce inflammation that occurs from injury and surgery. 

Keep focused

Being able to stayed focus when engaged in everyday life activities is very important in order for your day to go as planned. By exercising regularly and eating healthfully, blood flow is improved and your hormones are at optimum levels, thus increasing your ability to concentrate. 

Build up cardiovascular endurance

Everyone knows that if you study hard for a test, you will more than likely do well. The same concept applies when we say we are “getting into shape.” You have to build up your cardiovascular system through endurance activity in order to have an efficient circulatory system. Regular physical activity not only strengthens your heart muscle and
improves your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity, but also improves your breathing and muscular contractions. 

Improve flexibility

By stretching before and after exercise your muscles become more elastic, improving your overall range of motion or flexibility. Another way to improve flexibility is to engage in a yoga or Pilates class.

Increase lean body mass  Increasing lean mass is important because it reduces your body fat and increases your metabolic rate. If you perform cardiovascular exercise most days of the week and resistance exercises 2-4 days of the week, you will increase muscle mass while decreasing fat mass! 

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