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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Ten fun things to do during pregnancy

After the initial glow, pregnancy can be tiring and the remaining months may seem to stretch ahead endlessly. Morning sickness, fatigue, twinges of pain and constipation may leave you exhausted and wondering whether you're the only one who can't wait for baby to arrive! Add to that the constant discussions and questions by friends and family about your 'good news' and the unsolicited advice from complete strangers on what you should be eating and doing - it's all enough to make you run for cover.

Doing some fun things can help you think about something other than your pregnancy. Enlist the help of friends and family - they'll be only too happy to drive you somewhere you want to go or keep you company at a film you want to see. Here are some more ideas for fun things to do:

1. Shopping spree
Make a list of things you'd like to buy for yourself (not for the house or your baby), like comfortable footwear, a new sari for the Godh bharai/velakappu or the naming ceremony, post-delivery clothes like button-down shirts and kurtas, comfortable nightwear and lingerie. Not all maternity clothes are drab sacks - it's easy to find smart kurtis that can be altered after you've had the baby, or empire line tops and drawstring trousers. Buy one or two items on the list every month, to spread out your purchases. You can also then look forward to a small shopping spree every month.

2. A new you
Your body is changing almost every day and while you may love your new thicker hair, you can't say the same for your stomach and hips. When none of your clothes seem to fit and the thought of dressing up is depressing, it helps to get a makeover. Have a manicure and paint your nails in a bright cheerful colour. Or draw attention to your face with a new haircut. Try some new make-up like kajal or a lip liner or even just new matching bindis or earrings to go with your outfits. Read more on how to feel good about your pregnant body.

3. Picture perfect
Having some professional photos taken of the both of you will provide some lovely keepsakes of your pregnancy. Or ask your spouse to take pictures of your growing belly every month or once every trimester. It will be wonderful to share these with your child when she grows up. Or you could commission some personalised sketches or portraits instead of photographs.

4. Scrapbook
If you're not into keeping a diary or a journal, a scrapbook may be the thing for you to record your pregnancy. Photos of a vacation you took during your pregnancy or even the one during which you conceived, ultrasound scan reports, a bill from the celebratory dinner with your partner when you found out you were pregnant, month-by-month belly pictures - your scrapbook can contain anything and everything. You will love going over it many years after your baby is born.

5. Indulge yourself
Pregnancy can be a time to indulge yourself -- be it in terms of food cravings, massages, sleep or even hobbies. You might be advised to take it easy for a couple of weeks. If you are, there's no need to be bored sitting at home. Pick up a book you've wanted to read for a long time or a movie you've wanted to see, catch up on some new music or have a leisurely lunch out with your girlfriends at your favourite café. Sleep may soon become a luxury, so catch up when you can, perhaps at weekends. If you feel your skin becoming dry or patchy due to hormonal changes, book an appointment for a facial or prepare a natural face mask at home. Create your own mini spa and try our pregnancy feel good calendar.

6. Plan a picnic or a day trip
A picnic is a rare event in our hurried lives, but it doesn't need much planning. Pick a time and place, round up your family or friends and ask each person to bring two specific things. Voila! You are ready! If it's too hot or rainy for a picnic, plan an indoor visit to a museum, art gallery or cultural exhibition where you can spend some time in air-conditioned comfort. Even a trip to a mall you have wanted to visit, followed by lunch at the food court, can be a welcome break.

7. Date night
Romance may take a back seat in the initial months of pregnancy and if your parents or in-laws have moved in to take care of you, it may be a long time since you and your husband spent any quality time together. Plan date nights once every week or two, book a table and bond over lunch or dinner. Your spouse could do with a little extra attention too and these moments will keep you going once the baby comes. Or just rent a DVD, make some popcorn and spend a quiet night at home cuddled up together. Have questions about making love during pregnancy? We have the answers!

8. Other mothers
In this age of scattered families, you may not have a sister or sister-in-law close by to share things with. Friends who are not pregnant may find it difficult to relate to every single thing that is happening in your life. Making friends with other mums-to-be can be a great way to get some support. Signing up for antenatal classes or yoga classes for pregnant women is one way to meet other mums; your clinic may also have a mummy-to-be club who meet regularly. Don't forget our community forums and birth clubs, where you can interact with other pregnant women, share tips and get some support.

9. Mother and mother-to-be
It's quite common in India for your mother to move in to help with the pregnancy and the baby. Use the time to reconnect with your mother, especially if you live in different cities and haven't been able to spend much time together since you got married. Let your mum pamper you with your favourite foods and gifts. Compare notes about her pregnancy cravings when she was carrying you and whether that means it will be a boy or a girl. Discuss confinement practices after birth. Plan the naming ceremony guest list and catch up on all the gossip about your relatives. Shop for a thank you gift for her in advance, before the baby comes. You won't feel much like shopping once your baby is born.

10. Top ten list
Use our Babynamer to make a list of your favourite names. Make a list of ten things you'd like to do when your baby finally arrives. Make it as funny and whacky as you like. If you have had diet restrictions during your pregnancy make a list of foods you'll have. Missed going bungee jumping when you went on a trip to Goa in your first trimester? Plan another trip. Count down the days until you can drive your car again, carry your elder child or rejoin your gym.


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